
# Iterator is simply a Object which is iterable through loops...

# # such as List, strings, tuples and more data classes. #

# |||||||||||||| Iterators ||||||||||||||

# 'Iterator' is an Object which can be iterated upon which will return data, one element at a time.
# 'Strings, Lists, Tuples and more from which we can create the iterators objects..

# # # Iterator Class should must have two special Methods, They are : "__iter__()" and the "__next__()"

# A python iterator Object must implement two special methods, "__iter__()" and "__next__()", collectively called the iterator protocol....

# now iteresting thing......

# the __next__() method returns the next one element...
# now.................. when we use an for loop to traverse any iterable Object, then internally behind the scene it uses the 'iter()' Method to make those Object # like: Sting, list, tuple, set to make them iterable, then uses the 'next()' or '__next__()' method to loop over or get the next element continuously.

# aaaaandd, when we reach the end and there is no more data to be returned, then it will raise the "StopIteration" named Exeption. And thus 'for' loop stops the itering... # ahh, so we have learnt about the core part of itering and loops 😎, interesting................ 🤩🤩

    a = 'dfd'
    a = iter(a)
except StopIteration as stop:

a = {5, 6}
# a = iter(a)
# print(a.__next__())
# print(a.__next__())

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